We Offer Rapid Response On-Site and Remote Support
Most software problems can be resolved remotely. With modern technology, the same kind of technology used by Microsoft and other major corporations, we can connect to your computer over the Internet at no extra charge. You can see what our technicians are doing as they work to resolve your problem. We can even connect to your file server, troubleshoot the system, install updates, and even reboot the system from afar.
Of course, some problems still require an on-site visit - to test or replace equipment, for example. We provide rapid response in such cases.
Choose Either a Service Contract or Fee-for-Service Support
Our hourly fee-for-service rates are highly competitive. Call for a quote. We welcome comparisons with our competitors.
If you need at least 10 hours support per quarter, then consider a service contract. If you have a file server and at least 15 computers, this is often the most appropriate solution. Pay in advance on your quarterly contract and we’ll give you priority support and a discount. Plus, you can roll over any unused hours to the next quarter